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Friday, December 5, 2008

How much you can trust in Australia Police?

We attended the Community Forum of Residential Safety in Local Community on 24 November 2008, and asked two questions to the police officers, I think most people are wondering about the answers of these two questions.

Question one:
How could you say all the details when you call 000 in a really dangerous situation, like the criminal is holding a knife on your neck, and you only got one chance to call for “help”? Will the police find you and come to save you really on time?

The police said we have the tracker to find your position, but it can only be used for home phone. Your home phone number and your address will be shown on the police computer, so they will find where you calling from. But they could not find you when you call from your mobile phone. I am wondering, when the criminal imperiled me and I can only reach my mobile phone that means the police would not save me, because they could not find me. So, why don’t the police setup the advanced GPS system to track the incoming calls for help?

The police officer had reminded “Don’t put yourself in such dangerous situation”. Of course, no one wants to be in dangerous and imperiled by the criminal. To avoid yourself in danger, you need to walk on the main street, do not go back home in dark night by yourself, better to call someone with you, etc. However, there is always a chance to be in danger, we need to know how could we protect ourselves in such situation. You need to be confident and calm when you encounter the criminal, give them whatever they want, “Remember, your property can be replaced but your life can not!”

This deals with another question.

Question two:
What sort of weapons we can use for self-defense?
Firstly, the police officer answers this question like this: It becomes critical to say whether you can protect yourself. It means, refers to the Australian Criminal Law, under self-defense law, you can not bring a knife, stun gun, or even a pepper spray with you, and can not use those as the weapons to protect and used to the criminal, because you may hurt him/her.

Secondly, the force you used to self-defend may affect the consequence you may take, because the criminal maybe injured. That means, the force and the weapon you use should not be larger than the criminal’s.

In conclusion, the criminal’s rights are more benefited than us. We can not use any weapon for SELF-DEFENCE, even the non-harmful pepper spray; we can not hurt the criminal but they can hurt us; we may be in jail because we hurt them for protect ourselves; the criminals can imperil us anywhere at anytime, because the would not be charged in really serious consequences; therefore, the number of criminal increased, people feel unsafe all the time, the law of Australia would not protect us but the criminal!

Suggestions to the government:
+ Advanced GPS tracker system
+ New law of self-defense to allow us to take at least the pepper spray
+ Pay more attention on residents’ personal safety and reduce the percentage of crime
+ New criminal laws to make the criminals afraid to do such crimes

Post by Yu Qing Li


Yu Qing said...
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Yu Qing said...

Hope the Australian Go-ver-ment could see those suggests from YuQing and could noticed ur webpage, very good site..

For personal experience,i've only seek help from local police once while i lost my bag. did paper works as other countries police will do, but seems like they did nothing, my bag might still sleep in somewhere I don't know, and the polices still keep earn their salaries and sitting in the POLICE STATION....

Cecilia W.