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Friday, December 12, 2008

Bomb alert over at Sydney’s Strathfield rail station

On 11th December 2008,platforms closed when a package was found near the Sydney Strathfield rail station and have reopened after it was deemed “innocuous” and there’s no peak hour delays are expected.

The police evacuated two platforms at the inner west busy Strathfield train station about 1:30 pm yesterday after a suspicious item was discovered in a car park adjacent to the tracks.

A short time later, police confirmed the item was harmless.

After the September 11 the news about national secutiry are getting more attention from the audience from the public not just in America but also in Australia.

The police ask the public to care and make attention about the nation security that is the reason the public report about the bag in Strathfield station yesterday.

The police and also the government and the media should provide the notice about what should the public do if the dangerous happens and the reaction from the public should be like not getting scared and run away should follow the instructions from the police and leave the place.

Post by Marilyn Ren

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