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Friday, December 5, 2008

Man stabbed outside Chinatown karaoke bar

The news from the Brisbane Times from Nov.7th, 08 is about a man stabbed outside Chinatown Karaoke Bar. Firstly, this news is lack of more details, so I am not sure it is the same violence accident as I know. Well, as a Chinese, I have to tell Chinatown is a very dangerous place. From the news, an 18 years old boy was stabbed at 1.30am outside the Phoenix Karaoke. My source tells that there were two groups of people fighting, and I guess they are the Chinese gangsters. This boy didn't belong to any groups of them. What he did is that he just tried to mediate, and the tragic things happened. Maybe, these gangsters felt pissed about this boy, and just gave him some stabs.

For me, I don't even surprise about this news, because these kinds of bustups happens at least once every month in Chinatown. I have just seen twice. How random! To tell the truth, before I came to Sydney, I thought gangsters are only on the film screen, and it is far from my life. You might say, “Really? Sounds like you were so innocent. ” yep, compare with the security system in Shanghai, I feel much more safety. Well, it depends on the laws in China (e.g., the famous death penalty, drug using is illegal….), and Chinese population makes more police, more security guards.

Anyways, the Australian laws and lack of police power can’t even deal with the criminals and gangsters. Be careful, guys~~ Better to avoid these dangerous people, don't try to mediate them. The only thing you can do is to call the police at first place.

Post by Cindy Wang

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