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Friday, December 12, 2008

Self Defense or Self Incrimination?

Self Defense or Self Incrimination?

In the news on 18 November 2008, The Daily Telegraph, which titled “Debate rages over resident’s citizens arrest right”, and news on 27 November 2008 “Baseball skills came in handy against home invader”, the critical issue of judging the citizen as criminal and in charge of hurting the real “criminal”.

It's always a critical issue to say the victim is criminal or not. I think the victims should protect themselves at first place, use everything they could use to make themselves safe, this include hurt the criminals. But the thing must be considered at that dangerous one second is the force you going to use to hit the criminal. How could you think how much force you going to use to self defense and keep the criminal away from you while you are in danger? Why such issues always brought front to us as the innocent residents, those who are considered in charge because of you hit the invader to protect yourself and your properties? Should not the law protect our rights at first place?

Post by Yu Qing Li

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