Mike's simple strike to protect you!

Monday, December 29, 2008

How much can Australian Police do for you?

In my opinion, Australian Police maybe helpful, but not enough to trust, if you want to get help when you are in danger, trusting in police is not a good option.

The current police GPS system is still not consummate to track all the incoming calls. They can only know where you are if you are using a local telephone. If you use a mobile phone, they would not find you, only your mobile number appear on the GPS machine.

Here comes up some problems:
1. Can you use a local phone when you get attact in public, or even in home but away from your home phone?
2. If you are lucky, call 000 from your local phone, do you have time and chance to say the details of situation while the invader is busy to find your money just near you, isn't difficult to do? I don't even think you have the chance to call 000.
3. How much money the government spend on the prisions and criminals every year? But why we can not get a near consummateGPS system?
4. What lead the criminals to do such crimes? Why they keep doing this?

Post by Yu Qing Li

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