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Thursday, January 15, 2009

they started to snatch the luxury goods store......

I know lot of people have been doing shopping in the Christmas and the New Year. Buying presents to friends, family and colleagues become part of culture tradition. So, if you don't have money or have a huge financial crush, what will you do to cover that the truth of there is no credit to pay the gifts. Some people choose snatch.

One week ago, the Louis Vuitton shop at King Street was robbed at 2:30 am. Uncountable Louis Vuitton goods are gone. Put in this way, if one normal Louis Vuitton handbag costs $1000 AUD, hundreds of bags really a big number of costs. I have heard Louis Vuitton was robbed many times before. The security systems should be fixed at first. Unfortunately, the security system was not proved at all. Obviously, the police are totally having no ideas about bandits.

Seems like today’s people more like luxury goods than the cash. During the time Louis Vuittion was robbed, meanwhile, there is another jewelry store become the victim. Nearly $10000 AUD of jewelry were gone. The most shame thing is that, the thieves steal the jewelry in front the security guard and the camera. People find out one day after.

Now, because of desire of money, people stole, rob the stores, or bomb the ATM, or go to residents home to rob, or snatch people on the street. These are what I see on the every news in Australia. Where have the safety Australia been?????

Post By Cindy Wang

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