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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Airport gets back normal as smoke clears

On 15th January 2009, the operations were halted at the Perth International Airport for three hours as an estimated two thousand people were evacuated due to a smoke – filled customs hall.

The airport is an important place, normally if the airports gets closed or have smoke the public and all the passengers will think they are in the serious danger situation and also it will relate to the terrorism. Also if that is not the terrorism but the public’s time wasted in the airport and people get scared during the situation like this.

The Perth Airports Corporation says the evacuation started at 7am and there are around 400 or 500 passengers exited the building.

There are few passengers are not happy with this, they said that

"We're very unhappy about being left in the dark and not being told anything,'' the passenger said after a seven-hour flight.

"I'm not happy, I just want to get off this plane. All we've been told is there is smoke or a fire in the Customs hall. There are quite a few planes sitting on the tarmac now.''

The police and the Airport spokesman should give a clear explanation about this airport gets smoke thing happened.

Post by Marilyn Ren

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