Mike's simple strike to protect you!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

a bus of apathetic passengers

According to the SMH, 4:30pm at13TH Jan, there was a Chinese 37 years old woman was sex abused by 4 young people while she was on the bus from Wollongong to Warrawong. She altercated with these 4 20-ish adolescents. These young people swear to this mid age woman and she was a bit worry as well. So she sat close to the driver and complained to the driver. When the bus stopped at Princess Highway which is cross to O'Briens Rd, they pull her hair to get off the bus. Other passengers didn't do anything, I mean; they just pretend didn't see anything. After that, these 4 people took off all of that woman’s clothes and humiliated her.

People on the bus include the bus driver didn't call the police and didn't stop them. I was shock; they are such apathetic people. I don't know maybe whether it is racism or not. It’s really insulting, and makes me feel sick. How dare people can transgress in the publics, in front of whole bus of people?

Same question I wan to ask as my last post, is that violence can solve anything????

Post By Cindy Wang

Friday, January 16, 2009

Do you really like violence to threat your life?

I open the news web, and there are at least 3 news are about people were attacked. Violence is always one of the big social issues in Australian society.

According to the news, in Rosemeadow hundreds of people fight. There are two people were shoot, three people were stabbed and two people heads were strike. Meanwhile, at Canberra there is a group of adolescent gangsters. They don't rob; they don't rape. What they did is only fight or beat up people randomly. They are crazy about this violence game, and now 18 people were attacked. At the same time at Bridle O'Reilly's Irish Pub on the Chapel Street, South Yarra. Three customers beat the security guard while they were out of their minds because of having too man drinks, I guess.

It is horrible to see these violence news happened every single day. Maybe the next victim could be you when you just walk on the street to back home. Seems like it is so dangerous, people would fight with no reasons. There is no law to negotiate with these violent people. Is that only violence can solve the problems??
And what can guarantee our society is safe??? I am worried.

Post By Cindy Wang

Personal safety and violence

According to the publication from Australian Bureau of Statistics about Personal Safety Survey (2005), the definition of “violence” is like this: “Violence is any incident involving the occurrence, attempt or threat of either physical or sexual assault.” In the survey, it shows that 5.8% of women and 10.8% of men experienced violence in 12 months. Also by comparing women’s experience of physical assault by a male strange perpetrator, the percentage grew from 23% in 1996 to 36% in 2005.
For detailed information see http://www.abs.gov.au/AUSSTATS/abs@.nsf/DetailsPage/4906.02005%20(Reissue)?OpenDocument

From this statistics, we clearly see nearly 9% total of men and women experienced violence, and the percentage keeps growing. Such violence includes physical assault by strangers. This may happen to a girl just randomly walking on street in night. I have heard about news like young girl being raped then killed just 20 steps away from her home; also there was a Chinese student killed by home invader in his home but the body found after few months after his death.

If you don’t read the news relate to this issue, you would never know how dangerous in your city. I had an experience of being frightened in few months time, because I live in the one of the most dangerous suburb Waterloo, especially when the Chinese girl died in the balcony case and the next the news said a man just randomly wounded by an Aboriginal. I tried to get a special paper spray to protect myself and my home, but in Australian laws, we are not allowed to use a safe spray to keep the criminal away. I was so upset and carry a one meter long steel truncheon everywhere.

Lucky, I have not experienced any terrible violence, I hope that never going to happen.

Post by Yu Qing Li

Body of missing scuba diver found

On the 16th January 2009 there is a body of a missing scuba diver has been found of south Australia’s south-east coast

In Australia, not just some simply things about robbed and harassed and followed or some physical attacked can happen but also the killings and the missing of people always can see on the news. For those cases the body can be or maybe even cannot be found but the killer always cannot be found or few years after can be found.

The police said the body was found about 30 meters offshore on the Friday morning.’ the victem 47 years old Port MacDonnell man which left his home on Thursday morning and his body is been found on Friday.

For this case is really quick found the body and the police should have more chance to gets evidence to find the killer.

Post by Marilyn Ren

Thursday, January 15, 2009

they started to snatch the luxury goods store......

I know lot of people have been doing shopping in the Christmas and the New Year. Buying presents to friends, family and colleagues become part of culture tradition. So, if you don't have money or have a huge financial crush, what will you do to cover that the truth of there is no credit to pay the gifts. Some people choose snatch.

One week ago, the Louis Vuitton shop at King Street was robbed at 2:30 am. Uncountable Louis Vuitton goods are gone. Put in this way, if one normal Louis Vuitton handbag costs $1000 AUD, hundreds of bags really a big number of costs. I have heard Louis Vuitton was robbed many times before. The security systems should be fixed at first. Unfortunately, the security system was not proved at all. Obviously, the police are totally having no ideas about bandits.

Seems like today’s people more like luxury goods than the cash. During the time Louis Vuittion was robbed, meanwhile, there is another jewelry store become the victim. Nearly $10000 AUD of jewelry were gone. The most shame thing is that, the thieves steal the jewelry in front the security guard and the camera. People find out one day after.

Now, because of desire of money, people stole, rob the stores, or bomb the ATM, or go to residents home to rob, or snatch people on the street. These are what I see on the every news in Australia. Where have the safety Australia been?????

Post By Cindy Wang

Airport gets back normal as smoke clears

On 15th January 2009, the operations were halted at the Perth International Airport for three hours as an estimated two thousand people were evacuated due to a smoke – filled customs hall.

The airport is an important place, normally if the airports gets closed or have smoke the public and all the passengers will think they are in the serious danger situation and also it will relate to the terrorism. Also if that is not the terrorism but the public’s time wasted in the airport and people get scared during the situation like this.

The Perth Airports Corporation says the evacuation started at 7am and there are around 400 or 500 passengers exited the building.

There are few passengers are not happy with this, they said that

"We're very unhappy about being left in the dark and not being told anything,'' the passenger said after a seven-hour flight.

"I'm not happy, I just want to get off this plane. All we've been told is there is smoke or a fire in the Customs hall. There are quite a few planes sitting on the tarmac now.''

The police and the Airport spokesman should give a clear explanation about this airport gets smoke thing happened.

Post by Marilyn Ren

Four kids hurt in car crash

On 15th January 2009 there are six people including four young children have been injured in a two-car crash near Tamworth in rural New South Wales.

The car crash is another danger things in Australia, the road safety issue for all the drivers and teenagers also the kids should promote in the schools or the work place and also RTA should provide flyers for the school children and make them to understand the meaning of road safety and road issues.

In the case on 15th January in the New England highway at Willow Tree the south of Tamworth. There is a seven years old boy which has head and abdominal injuries and another five years old boy which is neck and facial injuries were airlifted to the Tamworth Base Hospital in the serious conditions.

The highway and road safety issue should provide to through RTA to all the public especially in the holiday time, there are more people went out driving cars. The driver should pay attention on the road that is the responsibility for themselves but also the others.

Post by Marilyn Ren