Mike's simple strike to protect you!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Bodies found in unit block

Two Chinese women killed in Auburn

According to the Sydney Moring Herald, there were two dead women’s bodies founded in an Auburn apartment on 13th Nov.

The neighbor said they had heard the women screaming in the night these were killed. The weirdest thing is, there are 9 people live in the same flat, and the dead bodies were found after 5 days.

In Sydney, heaps of people share a small flat is very common among the overseas students. But the coming problem is lacking of safety. Put in this way, if you were a young girl and you sharing a flat with 6 people whom you do not know well. Some of them always like to bring the “friends”, which are the strangers for you. We know, the room doors in Australia don’t have locks. It is very dangerous, because these your valuable stuffs could be stolen or you could be raped when you are sleeping; even worse, you might be killed by no reason.

Hope everybody can enhance vigilance. Especially this period, the big economic crush increases the percentage of crimes. The society is full of panic. Don’t forget to give a call to your friends and family for concern.

Post by Cindy Wang


Yu Qing said...

self-protect awareness should be build-up, and do not forget to contact your best friend who knows you well when incident happend, it is better than to contact police, and don't ever trust '000'.... no one could save you life there~~~~

Cici Wang

Citizen David said...

and always carry a gun in your pocket

Australian Safety said...

i would, if i can get one@!!!!!@#@$#T%$#%@#

so unsafe....nothing can be used for self defence!
what a law!