Mike's simple strike to protect you!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Community Forum of Residential Safety in Local Community

Community Forum of Residential Safety in Local Community

Date: 24 November 2008, 10:00am – 1:00pm
Venue: Auburn Town Hall

Sen.Constable Leanne Kelly, Auburn Police

Personal Safety Tips
Presented by Crime Prevention Officer Leanne Kelly & Youth Liaison Officer Julie Jones


Whether you are young or old, male or female, we all have the right to feel safe, all the time.
No other person has the right to physically, emotionally, or psychologically abuse you.
By knowing how to protect ourselves & joining with other members of the community to make our communities safer places in which to live & work we can reduce opportunities ofr crime.


Simple strategies to improve your personal safety.
This advice is intended to raise your awareness of crime, not you fear of crime.

Basic Rules for Safety
Stay alert, keep your mind on your surroundings and be aware of what is happening around you at all times.
Communicate confidence & calmness, stand tall & walk with a purpose.
Trust your instincts, remember your body gives you signs when it does not feel safe.
If you feel uncomfortable in a place or situation, leave if you can as quickly as possible to reduce the likelihood of you becoming the victim of a crime.

At Home
Always lock the door.
Avoid opening doors for strangers.
Do not give your information to strange callers.
Do not tell people you live alone.
Know your neighbors.
Hang up immediately on any threatening or harassing callers. If these calls persist, report continues concerns to your telephone company.
Don’t tell anyone that you are at home alone.
Leave spare keys with a trusted friend, never in hiding places.

Out & About
Plan the safest route to your destination and use it.
Try to use busy well-lit streets & avoid shortcuts through isolated areas if you can.
Know your neighborhood and where you can get help if you need it.
Remember property can be replace, your life cannot.
Don’t fight for the safe of property alone, you may be injured.
Be particularly careful when use poorly lit, isolated areas such as car parks etc.

Using Public Transport
At the railway station, stand back from the edge of the platform.
Avoid sitting near the exit door of the train, as an attacker may be able to grab your property & run before you can react.
If you a verbally or physically abused attract attention by talking loudly or screaming.
Try to travel with companions or in a carriage where there are a number of other people.
While waiting, stand with other people or near the ticket office or a shop. Don’t stand-alone.

Remember, no other person has the right to physically, psychologically or emotionally abuse you. You don’t have to put up with it.
Try to remain calm, try not to panic or show any signs of anger or confusion.
If the attacker is only after your property, give it to them, remember property can be replaced, your life cannot.
Make a conscious effort to get an accurate description of your attacker, age, race, sex, complexion, height, body build, weight, type and color of clothing.
Tell the police as soon as possible after the attack. Don’t let it happen, there are other people that can help you.
There are also a number of other agencies that can assist you in time of trouble.

Police, Fire, Ambulance = 000
Crime stoppers = 1800 333 000
Police assistance line = 131 444

Post by Yu Qing Li

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